CAVALIER Varieties

CAVALIER was released by Texas A & M University in 1996/97. CAVALIER is a variety of Zoysia matrella, has white stigmas, absence of leaf blade hairs, resistant to fall armyworm and a distinct DNA fingerprint. It has rhizome and stolon growth. Leaf blades are rolled in the bud, and are flat and stiff. Leaf blade length ranges from 58.9 to 60.7 mm and from 1.33 to 1.79 mm in width. The ligule is a row of silky hairs, approximately 2.1 mm in length on the longest hairs. It is fine-textured high density turf, with long slender leaves noted specifically for high quality, uniformity of appearance, and distinct summer presentation. It has excellent shade tolerance, moderate to low water use, and good salt tolerance. US PLANT PATENT. Must be sold as a Certified Class of Sod. Variety Producers
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